Concerned for your child

Concerned for your child

Feed Your Instinct (FYI) online tool

This interactive resource has been devised to help families of 10 – 20 year-olds to assess the early warning signs of eating disorders in their child. Critically, this tool provides an individualised evaluation of the behaviours the family is observing via a step-by-step Q&A format. Once users progress through the Q&A, they finish with a printable PDF report personalised to their child’s experience, which they can take to their local GP for action.

This unique report empowers families to act earlier, equipping them with the language and insights to convey their observations effectively to health professionals, and obtain accurate diagnosis as the illness is emerging. It is the first time in Australia that such a personalised tool has been developed for this illness. The report also provides GPs with best-practice guidelines for further assessment and diagnosis.

FYI is supported by the Victorian Government.

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