Webinar 1: Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders: From Prevention to Treatment
Webinar 1: Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders: From Prevention to Treatment


Webinar 1

Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders: From Prevention to Treatment

Thursday 16 May 11-12.30 pm

Presented by Isabel Krug, PhD Associate Professor, Vanja Rozenblat, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Psychologist, Jade Portingale, PhD student in Clinical Psychology, The University of Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences


Would you like to learn more about the exponential rise of social media and its impact in the context of working with people with eating disorders?
Hear from experts in the field and learn about the relationship between social media and body image dissatisfaction, selfies, cyber bullying, social comparison, Pro-Ana, Pro-Mia, Fitspo, Thinspo, dating apps, and new trends such as Mukbangs.
The webinar will also address positive use of social media, treatment implications and therapeutic approaches.
With a Lived Experience reflection from Kiara, EDV Recovery Ambassador


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